Nebulous causes for success…

Though clearing rapidly, today El Paso Texas, has a cloudy sky. This is the perfect day to reflect on clouds and success. This is a day to see a pattern.

Cloud 365 Project could inspire you to understand the nature of humankinds’ interest in all things temporary yet repetitive. But do not take our word for it. Breeze on over to Cloud 365 Project and take a look for yourself. The About section of the site from Multimedia Artist Kelly DeLay says:

“The Clouds 365 Project represents my commitment to do something creative every day. Beginning July 1, 2009, I will shoot an image or video of clouds every day for 365 days. On days that are cloudless or rainy, I will have to stretch creatively to illustrate the day. There are no rules, I just want to react and see where this project takes me.Clouds 365 is not intended to be separate from my everyday life. I want this practice of observation to be tied into the fabric of my life—the habit of looking up and noticing the patterns and beauty of the clouds that envelop us every single day.”

Of interest to anyone who is working to develop promotional skills, the cloud project shows the nature of variations on a theme. See the potential for boredom on certain “featureless” sky days. A sky of pure blue can be commonplace in an area like El Paso. And a completely overcast sky is routine and visually boring in most areas.Often, it is only other features of visual input that create awe or wonder. Even an overcast sky takes on the appeal of a quiet backdrop when featured against the green hills of a mountain valley. A Maxfield Parrish sky, in all its splendor, is enhanced by cloud patterns and silhouettes

Kelly DeLay tackles the art of the cloud.  He also clearly addresses the art of the human.  Make sure you read his About page to understand the value this site is creating for those who visit and why those visits keep growing.

Of course we can look away from the boredom of repetitiveness.  But Cloud 365 Project chose to embrace it, comprehend it, and change it.  The success of the web site speaks for itself.

Here is just one more enticement.  Kelly Delay writes,  “Embarking on this project has also caused me to think about the values that I am pursuing. The Clouds 365 is dedicated to Art, Learning, Determination, Process, Pattern & Obsession.”

DeLay says, Pattern is everywhere, and it fascinates me. My hope is that, by recording these images of clouds every day for a year, I will be able to look back and find patterns in the clouds themselves and in my work recording them. I don’t know yet what I will find or what it will mean, but the Clouds 365 Project gives me the chance to wonder and to gather the data to explore. Maybe I will find weather patterns reflected in my images. Even more interesting, maybe I will find patterns in my composition, observation and documentation of the clouds.”

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